It's been F O R E V E R!
I haven't given myself the time to blog or read or write, or anything else I really like to do.
I've been rushing around, adjusting to my new work schedule, working a ton, and returning to school.
Do I have a whole list of excuses for why I don't do what I should? YES I DO!
Will I give them to you? Nah, I'll spare you.
I do, however want to share a verse with you that slapped me in the face this morning as I had my make-shift/half-way quiet time ( sorry Lord ).
“We are merely moving shadows,
and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
We heap up wealth, not knowing who
will spend it.”
Um... ouch.
Words like "futile" or "pointless" come to mind. Other words like "temporary" and "fleeting" came to mind as well.
I had to take a second to really think about this verse (and the accompanying devotional). What's it all for? All these things that I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis... what for? I'm only here for a short while, like a shadow, a mist, a vapor.
The devotional stressed p u r p o s e. All that we store up here will eventually fade away. In the scope of eternity, only what we do for Christ, truly matters.
There are some things that you just can't edit out of your schedule. I'm currently a full time student and a full time nurse, I can't just stop doing either one of those things because of what I envision for my future, who God has created me to be, and what God has created me to do. #goals
I can, however, shift my focus and embrace the purpose throughout these chapters of my life. Who can I touch? What life can I change? How will I make the most of the time that I spend at each place I go?
“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.”
Do it for the Vine.
Take time to reevaluate. What really matters? What can be changed? How can you change your mind to change your life?
Take time. Take heart. Take initiative.
You got this!
Have a great day!