I want kids. I really do. But, I just stumbled upon the realization that I will eventually have to have “the talk” with my child. Now, not that talk, -the birds and the bees- talk. The –if you’re confronted by the police, put your hands where they can see them, state your full name, and stay as calm as possible- talk. This broke my heart. I understand that police officers are doing their job, and that they are put in situations daily that put their lives at risk, but the fact that I have to have a conversation with my ten year old to ensure that they will make it home alive is truly heartbreaking. This just goes to show the state of the world we live in. Everyone is afraid of everyone. Everyone has to go with his or her first impulse. Their first mind. What is the way to mend this world we live in? Is it even possible? I don’t know if it is, but I know what we can do as for now. For now, we can teach our children to obey the law. To respect the police, to state their full name, and keep their hands where they can see them. We can also teach them that not all people are scary and that the world is inherently good, and we should choose to see it that way. We should teach our children that the glass is half full, and teach them to embrace all the good that life brings. It really starts with what we show them, how we live. It starts with our example. So let’s make it a good one, yea?