I can't do it.
I mean, yes, I can. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil 4:13). I can work full time, go to school full time, hang out with friends often, attend to my family, blog, successfully run my business, fulfill my church and ministry responsibilities, cook and eat 3 square meals a day, keep up with whats going on in the news, keep my house clean, date, spend personal on purpose time with God, and wear a smile because I've gotten 8-10 hours of sleep every night for the past month and I'm living life like it's golden.
See? Impossible. Well, it's possible to cram all those things into life, but the latter parts about the 8-10 hours of sleep & smile may be fiction.
Pushing yourself go-go-go sounds like what we're supposed to be doing, it's whats socially acceptable. Importance has become almost synonymous with busy & busy can lead to becoming burned out if we aren't careful. We also miss out on important aspects of our life when we are rushing through it, relationships and experiences alike.
I read this book recently called S.H.A.P.E - Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life by Erik Rees. One section in particular stuck out to me, and I won't insert the whole thing here, but I encourage you to check it out if you so feel inclined. I'll bullet some major points:
- God will speak when you stop.
WHOA! Face palm, right? So often we try to get with God on the go and we don't take the time to listen or listen effectively. Praying in passing is ok, but on purpose intimate quiet time is essential. (Ps 37:7a)
My pastor just spoke on this over the weekend!
“Again and again, as we pursue spiritual life, we must do battle with hurry. For many of us the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. ”
- Being busy divides our focus and hurry compounds the issue.
- Sabbath: a day of rest, a day to recharge our batteries & refocus on our relationship with God. (Genesis 2:2-3)
- Only a loving, kind, & gracious God would insist that His children do something so completely valuable and beneficial- simply, REST.
Rest is so hard for me. I either feel like I'm being unproductive, or I find things to do- counterproductive. but, aside from needing to quiet ourselves to spend time with God, our bodies need rest, downtime & recharge time. It should go without saying that physically, our body can only meet the demands of life when it's cared for properly.
Here are some tips that I try to use to actively rest (is that a thing?) I probably mean effectively (see: Exhaustion).
- Unplug. Yes, we hear this often & it's super hard, but it's necessary. The world, Kim K, & Instagram can wait for an hour or two, or eight.
- Take a nap. An hour or two of extra sleep is so refreshing, and can do wonders.
- Jot it down. If your mind is reeling with all the things you must accomplish, write them down & set them aside for later. Yes, write EVERYTHING you have in your head, and set it aside. I'll grab you a ream of paper.
- Set the tone. I love music! Something soothing and positive normally does the trick for me. I use music to set the tone for whatever I'm doing, and relaxation time is no different.
- Warm your Body&Soul. Take a bath or a dip in the jacuzzi. A warm shower will also help. Soothing smells like lavender, vanilla, or camomile also assist in relaxing your body. (or just mine)
Ok, 5 Things are listed here, but your unique possibilities are endless. Listen to your body, it knows what it needs & you know what helps you unwind. The most important takeaway here is to grant yourself the opportunity to rest and recharge so that you can continue to be the rockstar you are. If you keep pushing too long, the effects could be pretty bad. Fatigue & illness are just the beginning. Give yourself permission to just be. Be with God & let him speak, rest in Him & He will renew your strength.