Can you make a blog post from an Instagram post? That might be backwards, but oh well. WHAT EVEN ARE RULES?!
Another version says He refreshes my soul. Another says He renews my strength. Yet another says He lets me catch my breath.
I need all of those things.
Busy=impactful/important right? We have so much going on that we can't even think straight half the time and we are on autopilot most of the time. On top of that, this world has some messed up stuff going on. You can't even turn on the news or social media without being brought down by the latest tragedy.
When we shift our focus off of what we see and focus in on God's face & character, we give him the opportunity to let us catch our breath.. To let us be renewed, refreshed, and strengthened. When we give ourselves the opportunity to rest in Him, we allow Him the opportunity to restore us. We are more capable of handling all life throws at us when we are nurturing our most important relationship- the one with our Maker.
Life's better with God.