
National Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide prevention and Mental health awareness are two interlinking causes that I'm passionate about. Part of my story includes a dark time that is briefly described below in my recent FB and Instagram post. I find it so important, though scary sometimes, to be vulnerable in sharing these not so glorious times of our lives so that someone else can see the Light.

twloha.com | TWLOHA is an amazing cause based company that lists resources and insightful and encouraging posts regarding suicide awareness and prevention. You can click the link above to check them out. Here is a blog post from last year …

twloha.com | TWLOHA is an amazing cause based company that lists resources and insightful and encouraging posts regarding suicide awareness and prevention. You can click the link above to check them out. Here is a blog post from last year that I found incredibly touching.

I don't think people realize that depression doesn't look the same for everyone. Some people you know could be incredibly anxious, depressed, and suicidal, and you may never-ever know. It takes intentionality to know the state of ones mind and heart. 



"Suicide is complex. It usually occurs gradually, progressing from suicidal thoughts, to planning, to attempting suicide and finally dying by suicide." ---

I am so fortunate that I had friends that were actually connected to and concerned about me in high school. I hit my lowest point and was very mentally unstable. They would hand write me letters and hide note cards with scriptures and encouraging words in my bag. I'm so blessed to have had people who noticed my need and reached out the best they could. 

I don't know that I'd still be here without them and without God. God sends angels to touch you physically when you can't feel Him. His presence was all around me even though I couldn't understand at the time. 
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Makkael & Russell. 

This is part of the reason I'm so passionate about this cause. People need people and every moment counts. So if you need me, I'm here. I got you. I got us because God has us. 
If you need a sign, here it is. 
Please don't go. 

Dear Future Husband

Dear future husband,
I am an independent woman, 
I can finance myself. 
I also know that when God intends for me to marry, I will be a submissive woman, to the man that loves me the way Christ loves His church. 
Dear future husband,
I am an independent woman, 
I don't need or want you for your paycheck. 
I can purchase my own shoes, bags, and pay my own bills. 
I do need you to spend time with me, pray for me, support me, pray with me, spend time with God with me, and seek God with me in all things. 
Dear future husband,
I am an independent woman. 
I am self motivated, career driven, and educated. 
I will encourage you, challenge you, & push you to be the best you that you can be, for you, for us, and for God. I honestly expect the same from you. If we aren't the ones building each other up and pushing each other the hardest, then who is? No one will root harder for you, than me. 
Dear future husband,
The way this thing should operate is teamwork, remembering that the man is the head of the household right after God Himself, and the woman was crafted from the mans side, not his head... not his feet.
Dear future husband, 
Just because I am independent doesn't mean I don't wish to feel wanted and fought for. I still wish to be wooed, courted, and pursued. I still wish to be cherished, to love, and to be loved. I still wish to be desired, thought of as beautiful, romanced, and to be someone's priority. 
Dear future husband, 
I look forward to meeting you, if I haven't already. Please know my being an independent woman will never take away from your masculinity. Please know that I will be the best partner and sidekick I can be to you. Please know that my independence now doesn't take away from my ability and willingness to be a team player. Please know that my independence doesn't take away from my desire for a family and for companionship. I look forward to growth, and I look forward to the hard work it takes to maintain a good thing. I look forward to much laugher, communication, and doing this thing called life together. I look forward to keeping God as the glue and the only third party ever to be between us. Keep seeking God, keep hope alive, keep growing, keep learning, keep loving. I'll see you soon. 
In patient hope towards love always,
Your future wife.