mental health

Washing Your Face & The Parallel

Some products I've been using/trying out. :)

Some products I've been using/trying out. :)

I've never been one for multi-step skin care regimens. Well, that was up until lately. This happened partly because I watch entirely too much youtube, and partially because I'm on the verge of turning 30 in 2 short years and I don't want my skin to get any bright ideas. I've never been much of a "wash your face apart from taking a shower" type girl either. In the recent past I've been more of a "maybe take off your makeup, maybe not- & face-plant into bed" type of girl.

All of that is really beside the point.
Washing your face at night is a great idea. I've recently taken more care to be intentional about what I do before bed. Washing my face, putting on some great smelling lotion (bath & bodyworks anyone?), setting the tone for relaxation with either worship music or some other mellow music, and then climbing into bed, setting my alarm, and off to sleep I go.

Washing my face has become such a huge pre-bed ritual for me for a few reasons. The main one, and really the only one worth mentioning, is because it feels great! I feel amazingly clean and fresh. This is even aside from the fresh feeling taking a shower gives. It's like I've washed all of whatever the day has brought me right down into the drain, and given myself a blank slate for the next day. THATS THE PARALLEL. Take it how you will. I think it's important to 1. give yourself a jumpstart on the next day (clean face/clear mind), 2. give yourself the most restful sleep possible (fresh face/ fresh perspective), and 3. to participate in a little self love everyday (skin care/soul care).

Wash away whatever today has brought you, and start fresh tomorrow. Literally and figuratively. Wash your face, give your cares to God, & go to sleep. We'll try again tomorrow. 

National Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide prevention and Mental health awareness are two interlinking causes that I'm passionate about. Part of my story includes a dark time that is briefly described below in my recent FB and Instagram post. I find it so important, though scary sometimes, to be vulnerable in sharing these not so glorious times of our lives so that someone else can see the Light. | TWLOHA is an amazing cause based company that lists resources and insightful and encouraging posts regarding suicide awareness and prevention. You can click the link above to check them out. Here is a blog post from last year … | TWLOHA is an amazing cause based company that lists resources and insightful and encouraging posts regarding suicide awareness and prevention. You can click the link above to check them out. Here is a blog post from last year that I found incredibly touching.

I don't think people realize that depression doesn't look the same for everyone. Some people you know could be incredibly anxious, depressed, and suicidal, and you may never-ever know. It takes intentionality to know the state of ones mind and heart.

"Suicide is complex. It usually occurs gradually, progressing from suicidal thoughts, to planning, to attempting suicide and finally dying by suicide." ---

I am so fortunate that I had friends that were actually connected to and concerned about me in high school. I hit my lowest point and was very mentally unstable. They would hand write me letters and hide note cards with scriptures and encouraging words in my bag. I'm so blessed to have had people who noticed my need and reached out the best they could. 

I don't know that I'd still be here without them and without God. God sends angels to touch you physically when you can't feel Him. His presence was all around me even though I couldn't understand at the time. 
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Makkael & Russell. 

This is part of the reason I'm so passionate about this cause. People need people and every moment counts. So if you need me, I'm here. I got you. I got us because God has us. 
If you need a sign, here it is. 
Please don't go. 